
Hong Kong Infinity Pool


James came back to Hong Kong from his trip and as planned we made our journey to visit the Infinity pool on one of the weekends! This trip was nostalgic to me because before we had ever met this was somewhere I mentioned that I would take him as it would be something nice to experience together.

The hike here is considerably easy... Except for when you are hiking in the heat and humidity which makes it so much harder then it really is!
I found it fairly odd that this route was quiet in comparison to my first time visiting the infinity pool, it didn’t seem to have many people leaving the route or making their way there. I dismissed the thought that it was a weekday and continued to refer to a blog post to guide me.
Once we had arrived to our destination, there was only a couple sunbathing on the rocks which was a totally different experience in comparison to my first time when the place was rammed packed full of people. 

As i wrote up this post i had stumbled upon 'HongKongHikers' website and realised that the infinity pool had been closed off:
According to the Waterworks Ordinance, any person who bathes or washes in the waterworks is liable to prosecution, and on summary conviction to a maximum fine of $50,000 and imprisonment for two years.

If i had known earlier i wouldn't had risked myself or James!
It's a shame because this is such a beautiful place to visit but due to littering as one of the issues it had been closed off.

I'll leave you here with some of my snap from my visit:


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