I'm currently writing this post while wearing Lush Magnaminty mask.. and damn! It's really cool and refreshing! I had first tried on this mask a few weeks back when i had bought this item, at the time my skin was feeling quite sensitive and sore around my under eye area which i guess it was due to the change of weather or that...
Now that the weather is officially starting to feel like it's transitioning into winter here in Hong Kong, I would love to share with you My winter essentials! If you are familiar with HK, you may notice that everywhere you go the air conditioner is turned UP! Full blast.. No matter if its Spring, Summer , Autumn or winter (Full blast all day....
Washi tape left to right: #1 I brought this pink tape as a set in a boutique store in Mong Kok which sold many other stationery/stamps/craft items, however i believed they have closed down.. #2 Bought this one from Log-On. All of the MT tapes which are sold in Log-On are expensive! You're looking to pay around $60HKD per a roll! However, i had a coupon...
The KOJI eyelash curler is one of my favourite lash curlers I've ever used along side with the Shu Uemura (as a back up). As an Asian my eyelids are hooded and more puffy, regular lash curlers would sometime pinch my eyelid which can become really annoying and painful.. Most lash curlers I've used are always too curved for my eyelid shape until i started using...
IN LOVE with my filofax which i had purchased on Ebay for about £40 (Exactly the same as the filofax sold in Selfridges but £20 cheaper!) I'm still quite new with decorating my filofax, however browsing on Pinterest, Instagram and blogs really inspires me to get creative! I've been hunting high and low to get my hands on washi tape in Hong Kong,...
(The shop mentioned has been closed down) The good thing about living in Hong Kong is having the access to a wide range of goods! Everything is accessible at whatever time you'd like! Here i go again with my impulse purchases! I would love to share a shop with you that you could visit to purchase your craft! This is 1 of many...
1 // I found a new decoration tool called 'Deco Rush'! Its like those eraser tape but instead these tape are patterned! New found love but they do come at a price.. Full pen costed $42 (hkd) and the refill are $13.50 (hkd). 2 // Ok.. I know.. The last few posts are just purely washi tape! (im just addicted to stationery!) But...
I found that i had a CitySuper coupon laying around in my room and to make use of the coupon i treated myself to…. Buying washi tape!! The only shop i know of which sells MT tape is Log-On however its so expensive for what it is, i usually buy washi tape for about $10-30 per roll in Sham Sui Po. However i...
Images like these had brought on my addiction to Washi tapes, from then on it had snowballed out of control! (heh) Images from Pintrest While i was in the UK i bought myself a fuchsia pink filofax from an Ebay seller called All-Pens for £40, originally i wanted to buy the exact same filofax from Paperchase however they sold it for £60!! Thank god i...
Back in Hong Kong and i'm jet lagged..! It's 4:30 am and I'm still awake! I miss being around my family..! :( I've finally received my fluro pink filofax on monday! Thanks All-pens! (ebay seller) I received it on the day as expected! I love receiving parcels/postage! I hadn't had the time to decorate my Filofax, only stuck a bit of Washi tape around...
Gosh.. It has been awhile since i posted anything! Life in Hong Kong does take a lot of my time and i had been feeling uninspired, however... I'm currently at home in the UK so i have a bit more time to myself so i can post something up for who ever actually reads my blog haha I've been at home for a...