
Review: LUSH Magnaminty Mask Face and Body


I'm currently writing this post while wearing Lush Magnaminty mask.. and damn! It's really cool and refreshing!

I had first tried on this mask a few weeks back when i had bought this item, at the time my skin was feeling quite sensitive and sore around my under eye area which i guess it was due to the change of weather or that i was just being a bit too harsh while exfoliating... The cooling sensation made my skin feel like it was burning..(I guess its from over exfoliating which exposed my skin a bit too much..oops!) But as crazy as i sound i still kept the mask on.
(That being said, this mask is still one of my favorite!)

About a week later my skin seemed to have recovered, so i thought i'll give myself a Lush Mask pampering.
Luckily this time my face wasn't burning although the peppermint effect can still feel a bit over powering.
I was quite surprised with the effects of this mask it had on my skin, after each time my skin truly looked revived, felt Smoother, looked Brighter, felt Supple, Refreshed and my spot which i had on my chin for aggggggess looked less red!
This.. is.. AMAZING!!

The main type of mask i use are mostly sheets by 'Hada Labo', 'My Beauty Diary' (It's ok, but a bit over rated) and occasionally Origin charcoal mask. I would say i prefer the thicker consistency mask as i feel like the results are more effective and noticeable. As for now, Lush Magnaminty is currently my favourite so far!

I will definitely repurchase this item once I'm done with this pot!!

Have you tried LUSH masks? If so, which one is your favorite?


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