How to: Velvet Nails
It's so fluffy!!
Nail art

There are many nail trend circulating online however, this one in particular has caught my attention as i never seen such nail polish that would change texture while setting.
Once doing more research, i'd realised that it wasn't the actual polish which sets in the texture but you had to stick fibers onto the polish while setting.
As a nail art fanatic i had to try this out to see how it would work out! I went to Mong Kok and hunted down for these fibers.
I didn't have any high expectation as i thought they may just become patchy and nasty after a few washes… however i was surprised by the results!
So here are the colour's i had purchased!
It was really hard to find these pots of fibers!
I saw some polishes which were sold in a set with the fibers for $180HKD.. Expensive for what it is, I just didn't think it was worth it. As i was about to give up i had stubbled onto a small stall which sold these 3 pots $50 total!
So here is how i applied the velvet onto my nails!
I first chose a colour which is close to the velvet i would be using which you can guess would be the royal blue.
While i had painted on the 2nd coat i would let it set for a few seconds before pressing my nail into the pot of velvet.
Here is how i applied the fibers:
It turned out really nice (and by nice i mean better then expected), I love how vibrant the colour looked!
Here are the nails after 3 days of wearing the velvet fibers.
Despite the fact that it actually looks really gross, I'm really impressed as to how long it had lasted!
I've been washing my hair, the dishes, eating with my hands and it actually didn't become patchy, it had lasted a lot longer then i'd expected!
Happy Valentines day everyone!