I don't want to give up my passion for nail art! :( Having people to compete with, share experience and interest with can push myself to doing more. Thats what i believe. MY original plan was to head back to england after my nail course in Hong Kong, but unexpected things happened! (Nothing bad, don't worry!) So I'm just trying to find a...
16th of August I visited 2 rescue center to see if could find an ideal dog to adopt! :) But the dogs i wanted were either adopted or too aggressive or either too large in size. I didn't wanted a large dog as i've already have one at home.. Also I worry about the cost of travel, for example to the vets as...
I HARDLY do any clothing haul! So i thought i'll share with you my recent clothes purchase! :) All from Cotton On since i have 50% off! ^^ Except for the last 2! I had brought them from 2%'s sale. (A shop is actually called 2% here in Hong Kong!! And not 2% off from the price, haha!) from 2%, a short that...
Just a casual day at work in Cotton On and you may have guessed it! Im wearing everything from Cotton On! Love, Kat xo ...
Just a update about me! I've been keeping myself busy lately since the break up with my ex. It's a good thing! in my opinion.. Just been spending more time with friends and colleagues! :) It is a great way to get over a past relationship. A lot of my friends broke up last month.. It's seriously break up season! Apart from the...