Haul It's that time of month again.. (and i don't mean the lady cycle).. Where your paycheck comes in and all those items you've been adding to your "To buy list" can finally be yours! 4 x Pan colours / 2 x Pan cases / 2 x Lipsticks / 1 x Blush Lustre - See sheer / Cremesheen - Crosswires $145hkd Crosswires / See Sheer I...
Oh yesssss! You've read the title correct! According to this article --> Topshop Topshop will be opening a branch in Hong Kong in lane crawford THIS YEAR!! Im not sure which Lane Crawford store, but i guess it maybe in Central! I've read all the info from articles i've researched online! Im soo excited! ...
It's so fluffy!! Nail art There are many nail trend circulating online however, this one in particular has caught my attention as i never seen such nail polish that would change texture while setting. Once doing more research, i'd realised that it wasn't the actual polish which sets in the texture but you had to stick fibers onto the polish while setting. As...